Visual State: Outer Shadow


Unable to set outer shadow to off when hover, selected, etc. Works fine with fill, outline and font color. Not sure if it happens with any other attributes.

Create normal widget with drop shadow
Set visual state for mouse over to shadow off (deselect checkbox)
Preview in browser

Expected results…
shadow should disappear on mouse over

Actual results…
shadow is still present on mouse over


Just tried it out and can confirm this is the case. I even tried enabling some settings for mouseOver interaction style that were the same as the normal state to see if having something set would work, but no.


Thanks for the report; I see it too. We’ll make sure this gets fixed!


Just a quick update: this should be fixed on the latest beta release, If you haven’t downloaded it yet, you can get it below.

Download Beta | Axure

Let us know if you notice any problems!


Hi, Everyone,

I have a similar “issue” with shadows:

I can resize the outer shadow of my widgets without any problem, in axure RP 9. But I want to resize in an animated way, like using ccs transitions. It is possible?

Thank you!


Hi tirmey!

Style effects such as “MouseOver” do not currently allow for animations. However, I can see how this could be a useful addition to style effects functionality, so I’ve gone ahead and filed a feature request with our teams regarding this.


If you are willing to try a little “hacking” check out this thread for a solution to using actual CSS transitions and animations. Keep in mind these are unofficial extensions to Axure, so not supported or guaranteed to work, but it may well do the trick for you.