Adaptive Views: Preview Not Displaying Widgets as Expected

Hi there,

I’ve recently begun developing my wireframing skills in Axure RP 8 and have encountered an issue with the way radio buttons are being displayed when I preview them in my browser.

The placement of the widgets when previewing the tablet and desktop views does not correspond with what I have set in Axure; the general alignment seems to be off and the second button overlaps with the text from the first.

When launching preview with a reduced width browser window the widgets display as expected, however when I increase the width of the browser the alignment begins to skew.

I’m not sure what the cause of this issue is, although I’m certain it’s something straightforward that I’ve overlooked :grimacing: ha. I was wondering if anyone has had similar experiences and could perhaps suggest a solution? I’ve uploaded a snippet from my project if anyone’s interested in having a look.

Cheers :upside_down:
radio buttons example.rp (66.6 KB)

Hi fMoose,

Thanks for posting your file! It does look like there is some unexpected behavior around the text alignment of your radio buttons when switching between adaptive views. After some poking around, I’m seeing that this doesn’t happen when setting the text of your radio buttons to align left–it looks like happens when the radio buttons’ text are set to right or center align.

I’ll go ahead and file this as a bug for further investigation by our QA team, but it looks like setting the text to align left and then adjusting the spacing/location of your radio buttons may be the best workaround for this in the meantime. Since it looks like you’re using dynamic panels as custom radio buttons, you can also try using plain text widgets as your button labels instead of the radio button widgets themselves.

Let me know if this helps or if you have any questions!

Hi Simon,

Thank you for your reply and suggesting a work around - that worked perfectly.
In the interest of experimentation i will also try to achieve the same effect using dynamic panels and labels.

Thanks again for your help.

Kind regards,
fMoose :v: