Axures SVN Client


Hi Axure Team,

I talked with my IT department and they asked if it’s possible to use Axure with Tortoise SVN as well to not have another SVN client in our administrated IT enviroment.
Is it possible that you include TortoiseSVN as option to use inside Team projects? Currently its SharpSVN and I’m sure you have your reasons for this. We had issues (not with Axure) with other SVN clients on our systems before.

Maybe you can discuss internally if there is a possibility to to have alternative SVN clients as user option or by defaults?


Hi knobiwu,

We generally don’t recommend using a third-party SVN client like TortoiseSVN when working with team projects. However, I’ll be happy to pass along your suggestion of giving users the ability to choose their own SVN clients to our product management team for consideration.

I’d also like to mention that with the new RP 8, you can now host your team projects on Axure Share so that you do not need an SVN hosting service or server to manage team projects. If your team had any security concerns behind using Axure Share, then you might be interested in the private version of Axure Share that can be installed within your company’s own firewall. If that sounds like something your team would be interested in, I’d recommend visiting the Enterprise features and user guide page, linked below:

Axure for Enterprise

Enterprise Installation Guide

I hope this helps!


Hi Jane,

thanks for your answer.
I wasn’t aware of the enterprise version, thanks. Maybe that would be a long term solution but also a bigger investment :slight_smile: So far the Team Version with SharpSVN behaves well in our IT enviroment and if you offer the enterprise license I can’t imagine its worth the effort on your side to implement another client. But in case you decide to do so, I’d be glad to hear.

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