Calling 2 action in a single button


Hi Team,
I have 3 text box and a filter button,
Initially 2nd and 3rd Text box will be hidden. If I type Test in 1st text box and on click of Filter button my 2nd Text box should appear. Similarly if I type Test1 in the 2nd Text box and hit filter button my 3rd text box should appear.
I could achieve the 1st scenario but on 2nd hit its not happening. Please suggest.


You can use conditions in the conditional logic


If visibility of 2ndTextBox equals visible
Show 3rdTextBox
If true
Show 2ndTextBox

The first time you click 2ndTextBox will still be hidden so the first case won’t happen (they are evaluated in order). 2ndTextBox will then be made visible. The second time you click 2ndTextBox is visible, so it will show 3rdTextBox.

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