Sure, here is an elaborated examples:
1. Customize you demo
Say you have a copy writer as part of your process, and she is in charge of writing the texts that go to production.
You go over you prototype, find all the label fields that she needs to decide on, and prefix thier name with “AXBASE”. Now they become “synced labels”, and any value that you write to them will also be synced in your Google Sheet, and vice versa.
You give the google sheet to your copy writer, she fills in the fields, and they get synced so that every time you run the prototype, you see the most updated data without having to manually update the axure file yourself.
2. Usability Test Scenario:
For usability tests, lets say you want to measure how long does it take a user to complete a checkout flow of 5 steps, and how much time he spends on each step.
Lets say the steps are -
You build the flow in axure as an interactive protoype, so every Call to Action button takes the user to the next checkout phase.
Now you use 6 global variables for measuring time:
TIME_View Cart
TIME_Proceed to checkout
TIME_Proceed to payment
TIME_Proceed to review
TIME_Back to home
For each button click on the prototype, you log the timestamp using [[Now.getTime()]]
So, for example to get the time user spent on the “Review Cart” phase, you would use [[TIME_Proceed to checkout - TIME_View Cart]]
Now you can write this value into a “synced lable” that will sync with a specific cell on Google Sheets.
Synced lables are regular axure label widgets, but you have to give them a name that starts with AXSABE, so for example, in our case, you should have 5 hidden labels
AXBASE_Review Cart Duration
AXBASE_Shipping Details Duration
AXBASE_Billing Details Duration
AXBASE_Review order Duration
AXBASE_Thank you page Duration
Once a user completes the flow, you would be able to see all those values in your Google Sheet.
@stunews, @SNaushadS - please let me know what you think! Or you can describe your own needs and we can think of a solution together.
I’d also love to give you a demo of our current beta.
We are UX people building a product for the UX community - any feedback will help us make the product better for you