Counter/buttons interaction

Hello. I have a prototype with a set of buttons with numbers on them (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) and then I have a counter that goes from 1-10.

How do I make the button appear selected when the counter is at its value?
Example, if the counter is at 6, then button with number 6 is selected. If counter says 7, then button with number 6 is unselected.

Please do share your sample rp file. It would help to get it resolved faster.

Here’s a sample using a repeater and a text box. I’m not sure how your version actually works, but the gist here is that when the text box changes I refresh the repeater using a clear all filters action. onItemLoad, I check if the repeater value is equal to the text on the counter and set selected of the button to true. If it doesn’t match, because the default state is unselected and clearing the filters reloads, all buttons are unselected.

ButtonSelectBasedOnCounter.rp (54.0 KB)

As noted above, could be much more specific and likely helpful if you can share your file :slight_smile: