Hi. I’m trying to work on a chat bot where i have a textfield area and what i want to do is once i input some random text and hit enter, the text appears in a bubble at the top of the page. I already did this but instead of hiting enter i created a button, but i don’t like to have to click on that button. I want to remove the button and add it’s actions to an event once i hit enter after i typed something. But i’m not sure if it’s possible.
Also: Is it posible to create a responsive prototype? i’m trying to make mine works for smalls pc’s and big screens but i don’t know if it’s posible.
Keep the button, but then on the text field go to the properties pane and set the button you created as the submit button for the text field. Then when you get enter on the text field it will trigger the OnClick event on the button. You can then even keep the button hidden if you want to.
Use a condition to map to the Enter Key. When pressed use the value in the field to set the text in your chat balloon. I gave another example on how to do the same but with a button. Also how to not show the balloon if the field is empty.