Customized link for published content



I have a specific requirement from my management asking for change of the published link to our own domain name. For example, if the published link is like, then we would like to rename it to or

Can anyone let me know whether this customized link is possible? Thanks!

Siva Shankar


Hi Siva,

It sounds like you would like to customize the URL that points to your Axure Share prototype. In that case, here are some options:

  1. Create a redirect on the server: Someone on your I.T. team could create a redirect that points to your Axure Share prototype. For example, if someone enters:
    into a web browser, it will redirect the user to your Axure Share prototype. However, after redirecting, the URL that displays in the address bar of the browser will be your Axure Share URL.

  2. Host the a locally generated prototype on your own server: Using the HTML Generator, you can generate a local version of the prototype (HTML, CSS, JS files) that you can manually publish to your own servers. In case you would like to learn more about the HTML Generator, please visit the following link:

  3. Axure Share Enterprise: Set up Axure Share Enterprise server on-prem, then use Axure RP to publish prototypes to the server. Since Axure Share Enterprise is hosted on your own servers, the URL for where the prototypes are hosted can be customized. This option is helpful for users that have security requirements that don’t allow them to publish to the public cloud.
    Important: To publish to an Axure Share Enterprise server from Axure RP, you’ll need an Enterprise edition of Axure RP activated. If anyone is interested in the differences between features/costs of the different editions of Axure RP, please visit this page.