Did you know? Text Area Widgets Lose Focus OnTextChange if in Group


Text area widgets with OnTextChange will lose focus if it’s in a group? I don’t know if this is a bug or feature.

I had to find this the long and hard way. It is my hope that you won’t be wondering what happened for one hour when your text area widget loses focuses unintentionally.


Is there a list of weird behaviours like somewhere?

Also, I can’t add the tag OnTextChange, it says “no matches found” and disappears OnLostFocus (haha!). How do I add this tag?



Hi–Thanks for reporting this! I was able to reproduce the same behavior on our end with a fresh file. It looks looks like using the Set Size or Move actions OnTextChange of the text area to act on the same widget causes it to lose focus when it’s in a group, but doesn’t cause issues when the action targets a different widget. I’ll go ahead and file this on our end so that we can take a closer look. Thanks!


Thanks for flagging this.
I was moving a text area on focus and it was driving me nuts!
Ungrouping the items made it work!

unlisted #4