Distribute repeater as a radial



I have been trying to create a radial menu where the repeater is distibuted in a circle. Similar to the following image…


So following this formula

radiusMath.cos(2Pi/number of rows)*number of row

I am able to position the x coordinates. However as the y is defined by the layout of the repeater to automatically stack I have been unable to get the y coordinate to work with the following.

[[(LVAR1.height/2)-(LVAR2.height/2) +150 * Math.sin((2*3.14159265359/LVAR3)*item.Name)]]

Here is my RP.
radial tests.rp (58.4 KB)



In order to manipulate the natural vertical location of a repeater row (or the natural horizontal location if the repeater layout is horizontal), you must first turn off the repeater property “Fit to Content in HTML.”


Also, keep in mind that the natural vertical position of an item is:

(Item.index - 1) * LVAR_row.height

So subtracting that amount from the y location of a repeater row will locate all rows at y=0. This will give you a starting point for your absolute positioning.

Also, you’ll want to bring each item to front if you want them to be clickable.

PS: if you get it working, please post it!

'Flexbox'-esque layout possible?
Where did "Fit to Content in HTML" go?
Drag and drop - DragDrop in random place like page builder

Hi again!


[li]ellipse = local variable referring to the circle[/li][li]rep = local variable referring to the repeater[/li][li]panel = local variable referring to the non-fit-to-content dynamic panel containing the repeater[/li][li]The repeater property Fit to Content in HTML is false (unchecked)[/li][/ul]
This expression should give you the y location of each ellipse in the repeater:

[[ -(Item.index - 1) * ellipse.height + panel.height/2 - ellipse.height/2 + (panel.height/2 - ellipse.height/2) * Math.sin((2*3.14159/rep.itemCount)*Item.index)]]

Breaking that down:

[li]-(Item.index - 1) * ellipse.height – gives the ellipse a starting point of y=0[/li][li]panel.height/2 - ellipse.height/2 – both the vertical origin (center) and the radius of the circle[/li]li*Item.index – rep.itemCount = number of rows; Item.index = current row[/li][/ul]

Need panels to sort (appear) in order as selected from menu


Try this.

Live sample

Note: the “-3.14159/2 - 2*3.14159/rep.itemCount” in the sin/cos functions is what moves the first item to the top of the circle.

file: circular-repeater.rp (61.7 KB)


Thank you very much. I had tried to set the y to absolute 0 in my experimentation but suspect I was getting the parenthesis wrong.

-(Item.index - 1) * ellipse.height

Thank you for the additional next step too; aligning the first item at 0°.

closed #6

unlisted #7