Embedding typeface for Axure Share


Hello guys,
I can’t figure out how to make my prototyp run with a custom font.
I uploaded the font on my domain, but somehow its not loading.
Can you help me to figure out the problem?


More information needed:

  • Are there any errors in the browser console when you run the prototype?
  • Does the CSS font-family property on the text that is supposed to be that font match the font-family property values you’ve defined here?

My guess at what’s wrong:
You don’t have CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) set up correctly on your domain and the font file is being blocked by the browser. If I were a betting man, I’d put money down that says when you check the browser console you’ll see an error to that effect. If I’m wrong (and I’m out my imaginary money) then my second guess is that the font-family values don’t match up.

unlisted #3