Error in loading libraries


Hi friends,

While trying to load libraries in Axure, I am getting the below error.

‘The library could not be loaded’.



For anyone following along at home, GaayathriVL wrote in to our help desk for assistance with this issue. It looks like this particular issue was specific to one particular widget library that failed to load both from the local hard drive and via Axure Share. We have yet to receive the file to test on our end, but if anyone else is finding that they’re having trouble loading one specific widget library then you will want to ensure that it is a valid .rplib file. One way to test this would be to try to open that file directly in Axure RP to see if it opens. Feel free to also send the .rplib file to if you would like for us to take a look.

Here are some general steps that can help to clear up widget library loading issues:

  1. Restart Axure RP (yep!)

  2. Unload and reload the affected libraries.

  3. Clear the widget library cache and then restart. The widget library cache on Windows can be found in “C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\Axure-8-0\cache3”.

On OS X, the library cache is usually in “/Users/%USERNAME%/Documents/Axure User Data/Axure-8-0/cache3”.

  1. Verify whether your widget libraries are stored in the default “Libraries” folder or on a separate drive from where Axure RP is installed.

Of course, if you’re experiencing issues please feel free to contact us at for assistance. Thanks!


The default libraries can’t even be loaded correctly…I have to restart my Axure every time. Please fix it as soon as possible.


Hi Bellyboli,

That’s no good! So that we could further investigate the issue, could you email with the version of Mac or Windows you’re running, the build of RP 8 (e.g. 3372), and a screenshot or video of the problem occurring? Also, could you let us know when the problem happens? I.e. is it on each new launch of Axure RP, is it at random, or is it after a certain event (e.g. waking computer from sleep, working in full screen, etc.) ? Any additional details you’re able to provide will be helpful. Ty!


I started to experience this exact same issue since last Friday. I am on Axure RP Team Edition. This problem only occurs when I try to “Load from Axure Share…” “Load Library…” works just fine.
Things I have tried already:

  • Quitting and restarting the Axure application
  • Re-uploading the library to Share
  • Unloading the library
  • Clearing the cache in the cache3 folder
    No luck so far.


Hi Jaewoo,

It sounds like you’re only getting the error when trying to load a library from Axure Share - is that right? Is the issue specific to one widget library, or all widget libraries stored on Axure Share? If the latter, could you first check with your IT team to see if you have any security settings on your computer or network -e.g. proxy, firewall - that could be preventing the Axure RP tool from accessing the internet? If you’re on a Windows machine, you should be able to configure the proxy settings via “Account > Proxy Settings > Enable proxy”. If you’re on a Mac machine, you’ll want to reach out to your IT team to add the following Axure URLs to any proxy or firewall whitelist on your network:*

If that doesn’t help, could you take a screenshot of the error message you’re getting when trying to load the Axure Share widget library? If possible, would you also be able to post the widget library RPLIB file here for me to test? I’d like to check whether I’m able to reproduce the issue on my end as well after uploading the library to my Axure Share account. Thanks!


HI Jane,

Yes that is correct, I am only getting the error when trying to load a library from Axure Share. You may be onto something about my issue being related to any security settings. I will check with my IT team and follow up.

For the whitelisting URLs, what are the asterisks* at the beginning and end for? Do I need to make sure to include them?

Additional system details:

  • MacOS High Sierra (Version 10.13.4)

Screenshot of the error message:


Hi Jane, the libraries of my Axure failed to be loaded again and below is the screenshot.

I cannot identify the exact trigger of such issue. Yet I surmise that following situations might have caused the failure according to my observation.

  1. 3 or more RPs are run simultaneously.
  2. A single RP has been run more than 1 hour.
  3. RPs are constantly shut and restarted.
    Hope this might help.



Yep! The Axure Share URLs to whitelist do need the asterisks. Please let me know what your IT team finds after adding those to your network’s proxy or firewall whitelists.


We’ve seen this reported a few times, but we haven’t yet been able to find the cause/solution to the issue. What our users found, though, was that manually re-loading the default libraries helped to load the icons properly. Could you give that a try to see if that helps? You can do this by clicking on the hamburger menu in the Libraries pane to select “Load Library”, navigating to the local path where the three default widget libraries are stored:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Axure\Axure RP 8\DefaultSettings\Libraries

and then manually re-loading each one. Does that help to bring back your libraries?

In the meantime, we do have this issue on file with our QA team where the default libraries occassionally do not load properly on Windows, and I’ve included this forum post to that report.


Hi Jane,

This is a repeating, intermittent problem with Axure itself. It does not require that I have a lot of RP files open or that I am loading any libraries from Axure share. This is an occasional aggravating problem with plain old Axure 8 with only local libraries. The problems are

  1. Sometimes Axure just “drops” external local libraries so I have to reload them and
  2. Sometimes the Default libraries don’t load.

Sometimes reloading a library fixes it, but sometimes I have to reboot my whole PC because restarting Axure doesn’t fix it.

Axure itself needs to be fixed. I know intermittent bugs are hard, but here’s what needs to happen short term:
a) Axure should detect any failure to load all the libraries in it’s list and inform the user that this problem has occurred.
b) If it’s the default libraries that fail, Axure is useless, so as a stop-gap, Axure should pop a message telling the user exactly what to do in order to fix it (manually reload libraries, reboot, whatever you determine is required).

The way it is right now, when Axure fails to load the default libraries, it says NOTHING to the user. At least acknowledge the error and inform users of what to do, IMHO.




Hi SifuDynamic,

Thank you very much for your feedback–I’ve gone ahead and passed your suggestions along to the appropriate teams. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any other feedback or questions for us!


I have faced this issue on & off, starting of last year, and in recent times more often. i have gotten sick of deleting the cache3 ever so often that I have copied the file path into a sticky note. I would write a batch to do this on computer start but for another issue that after the cache3 is deleted the libraries take a longish time to load. It’s like a daily gamble and my fingers are crossed as I launch Axure hoping that all the libraries load. No change in configuration (both hardware and software).


  • RH


This is probably not very helpful, but I sometimes have this problem with loading a library from Axshare. I kept getting this same error “The library could not be loaded.”

Restarting Axure doesn’t fix it. Restarting the computer doesn’t fix it. But if you just kept trying… Sometimes after the 3rd, 4th, or 5th try… it works. No idea why.

unlisted #14