Export Team Revision History


I’d like to export the change history from a team project. The data listed in the Team Project History Browser fits my needs, I just need to be able to export it to a flat file. I’ve dug in the team folder structure and haven’t been able to find something I could use.

Anyone have ideas how I could get this data out of Axure?


First Post, whoop whoop


Hi mike6ds,

:welcome: to the forums! whoop whoop

There isn’t currently a way to export Team Project history revisions as a flat file, but that’s a great feature request and I’ve passed this along to our product management team for evaluation.

In the meantime, what may help is to host the team project on a shared workspace on Axure Share and then turn on notifications for that workspace. This will allow members of the workspace (who have their notifications enabled for the team project) to receive email notifications whenever a change is made to the team project. You and the team members can then export the Axure Share notifications email thread as one file using the email client.

I realize this is a somewhat bloated workaround, but hopefully it helps a bit!

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