Flow connector lines not publishing to HTML correctly



I’ve noticed that the flow connector lines are not showing up correctly when publishing to HTML. This didn’t used to be an issue but now I’m unable to use the flow connector lines as it looks all jumbled up the browser but within Axure it looks perfectly correct.

This is how it looks in Axure on first designing:

This is how it looks on the browser:

When I close Axure and reopen, this is how it looks on reopening the file (without me making any changes):

I have my file setup like this:

I am using Axure RP and viewing in Chrome (latest version). Do you know why this is happening and how to fix it?


Hi osingh,

Thanks for the screenshots. Connectors aren’t adaptive, so this may be the cause of the discrepancy you’re seeing between the RP editor and the published HTML. To start, does it help if you go to “Arrange > Reflow All Connectors” from the main menu of Axure RP? If not, would you be able to post your file here for me to take a closer look? There may not be a real elegant solution to this, other than building separate flow/connector pages for each adaptive view, but I’ll be happy to see if I’m able to come up with a better solution. If you’d rather keep the file private, please feel free to send that over to support@axure.com. Ty!


HI Jane, thanks for the response. So just to clarify I’ve not actually used the flow connectors in a responsive way. The file has responsive layouts set up but the flow is just on the desktop version of it. Are you saying that it only works on the base layer? I can’t remove the responsive setup from a single page only (i believe it applies it to the whole file). As the file is confidential I can’t share it but I can send it to you via email.


Hi osingh,

Gotcha, thanks for clarifying. Connectors aren’t adaptive so I was just thinking that was the cause of the rendering issues you were seeing when previewing your file.

My apologies for mentioning this again, but could you try using the “Arrange > Reflow All Connectors” menu item to see if that changes anything? If not, what may help at this point is to recover a file from backup when the connectors were rendering fine previously. You can find the backups by navigating to “File > Recover File from Backup” (Axure RP automatically saves a copy of your working file every 15 minutes, dating back to 30 days). After finding a working backup, you can import the connector page into your current RP file by navigating to “File > Import from RP File” and selecting the backup copy. If you’re also able to send over your RP file to support@axure.com, we’ll be able to take a closer look and file a ticket with our QA team about this as necessary. Thank you!


Hi Jane - The reflow connector feature DOES sort out the issue in the Axure file. But for some reason after publishing the file still shows the issue. I’ll send you the file to the email you’ve mentioned to take a closer look.


Hi Jane,

Thanks for the support on this. Based on your recommendation I was able to resolve this issue with the following workaround:

  • Click the reflow connectors button
  • Cut and paste the diagram on to a blank Axure RP file (with no responsive breakpoints setup.
  • Copy and paste the diagram from the new Axure RP file on to the BASE layer of the existing (previously it was on one of the responsive tabs)

After the above it shows up fine. I think it would make sense for flow chart connector lines to work irrespective if they are on a BASE or any other responsive sized layer as ideally i’d love to have the flow charts work and show up responsively when viewing the prototype on any size of screen…something to add to the feature request list I guess.

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