Font showing correctly on axure share on Mac but not when opened on iphone?



Hi there,
I’m having issues with Fonts displaying correctly on mobile (on Iphone 6) When I open the axshare link on my Mac is works perfectly but the same link opened on an Iphone displays some of my main fonts as times.
Testing is going to be done on iphone so any help would be amazing.
I’ve added


Hi GraKennedy!

Hmm, does the project use any web-based fonts? A web font could display as expected on your Mac system if the font is already installed there, then display differently on something like an iPhone, where the font is not installed. If you have not already done so, you can review any web-based fonts the project uses and add web font information to your HTML generator, as described here. This would allow the font styling for any web fonts used to be accessed as the page loads on your iPhone.

I hope this helps some!