Horizontal tab menu - active state


Hi, I’m creating a horizontal tab menu, much like those in the google play store. On a mobile, a list of tabs can be gesture scrolled from right to left, the user then taps one to move to that page.

Thing is, I’m having trouble with when the user taps to move to a page and I need to retain scroll position of the horizontal tabs. Even better if I could position the now active page tab pinned to the left of the screen.

Confused? See it here https://tbdu9h.axshare.com/#c=2

I really appreciate any feedback or tips. Thank you


See the example attached.
I converted the navigation to the master. OnPageLoad of each page I trigger the specific selection and scroll to the corresponding widget (mind the xy-options).

It can be done with some nice details, like an offset for subpages. I leave that up to you to figure out.


Horizontal-Tabs.rp (67.5 KB)


Super Zuvala!

This works a dream. Thanks. I tested this navigation yesterday but it didn’t go well. I’ll be iterating the navigation pattern today.

I’ll look further into your method, much learning to do.

Thanks again for your help.

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