How can I load libraries from axure share in Axure RP 9?


Hi Alyssa,

Yeah, since I created the libraries that is why they probably don’t show up, and why I never see “Available from Cloud.”

However, my colleague still does not see “Available from Cloud” and we are pulling from the same Axure Share location, and she has not loaded the library.


Hmm, interesting! By any chance do the libraries that you and your colleague are working on happen to be team project widget libraries (.rpteamlib extension for RP 9 and .rplibprj for RP 8)? If so, team project widget libraries are not yet supported in the Axure RP 9 widget libraries pane, so if those are the only widget library files that you currently have unloaded and available on the cloud then the “Available from Cloud” will not show up, but should show up if you publish regular widget library files (.rplib) to the cloud.


Ah, I am having same problem as Geoff, and to answer your question, for me yes, the only team file I have on Axure share is a team widget library. So, is there a way to add and utilize team widget library to a file, in RP9?

It was working for me on a previous computer, but I had created the team file from a local widget library file, so I suppose it was “already” loaded at that point, as you mentioned earlier. I was then able to use and edit the shared team widget library all from my Widget Library panel within any file. However, upon switching computers yesterday, I had to re-download Axure, re-add local libraries and fonts. And now I need to re-add that team library. Is there a workaround in RP9 for this?


To add to this - I tried adding the locally stored .rpteamlib file from local hard drive, as workaround, so I at least had the most current version of the team library, but Axure does not see / recognize the .rpteamlib file at all.

Axure RP - Loading team libraries


Looks like you emailed your question to support as well, but to reiterate here you can create team widget library files in Axure RP 9 now that team projects are implemented, but currently team widget library files cannot be loaded manually and will not show in the “Available from Cloud” section of the Libraries pane as we’re still working on that aspect. This will work later, but for the time being you would need to export the team widget library to a non-team file via “File > Export Team Project to File” and then load that file instead.


Looks like the latest update fixed this issue. Thank you! :grinning:


I’m glad you see them now! As you’ve noticed, in build 3644 and onwards team libraries are now included in the Libraries pane; if you previously had only team libraries loaded on the cloud and weren’t seeing them in the “Available from Cloud” section, these (along with “Available from Cloud”) should now show after the update. :slight_smile:

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