How can I locate items within one page and turn off the interactivity of the states


I am fairly new to Axure, though am familiar with similar tools and also watched quite a few tutorials :wink:

I have a huge project someone build in Axure on one page and I am developing a styleguide on this project.
Is there an easy way /convenient workflow to navigate through all those layers without having to activate states (also if i click somewhere else, the windows disappears and I have to repeat all those steps again) or the other thing (which is also time consuming and based an random effect) to navigate through the outline pane.
Maybe I am just not seeing the easy way :wink:
Thanks for your help. :slight_smile:



if it’s a dynamic panel, you should be able to do a show all and see them side by side.

otherwise…I’d suggest make a new page as a workspace. copy out the component you wan tot work with… and do what u need to do in that workspace.