Index page for Axure Share workspace



Hello. I have a workspace with multiple folders and each folder has multiple projects. I would like to publish an index page with links to each of project URLs (organized under their respective folders). That way my stakeholders will be able to always go to that index page and link to any of the prototypes…without accessing my Axure Share workspace.

This seems like something that should be possible to auto-generate rather than my having to continually update and maintain. Can someone tell me if this is possible? Thanks in advance!


You could set up a single Axure share project with links then simply setup Open Link interactions that point to the specific files you want. You could go one step farther and hook up a back button that also uses Open Link to point back to previous page.

We’re I’m at now, we use Confluence within Jiri which is more or less a repository of links with notes.

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