Interactive World Map


I needed a world map for a project I’m working on and found an SGV map that I could use. After I imported it, I realized that I could convert it into shapes and ungroup them. All the countries were already labeled with their 2-digit ISO codes!

I added a mouseover state to all the countries and reordered them by size (they were alphabetical) so you could more easily have the mouseover gesture picked up when moving past the smaller countries.

I thought it might come in handy for someone else, so here it is.

Interactive world map.rp (330.4 KB)

A list of all the countries and their ISO codes is in the page notes.

Please note that some of the country shapes are a little off - that wasn’t my doing, that occurred when i converted the SGV image to objects.


Wow! This must have taken forever.

Thank you very much for sharing. This is going to save me and lot of other people a boat-load of time.

unlisted #3

closed #4