Is that possible to make the Section BG end to end in browser view for all Larger Screen size?


Am trying to make the website wireframe, i tryed to make a section bg and banner and navigation bg width as much the screen size for the large size screens. is that possible to make it end to end as per the larger screen.

The beg should expand as per the screen for larger screens.


Yep, possible and not too hard. OnWindowResize set the width of the elements. There’s a built in property called window.width that will give you the width of the window.

The attached sizes the header, title, paragraph, and section rows to window.width. Take a look at the page properties to see the details. As you resize the page, the items will redraw based on the new width…

full width.rp (57.3 KB)


Thanks. could you send me step by step screen wise. Its really hard to understand.

  1. Click on a blank place in the canvas, or use the outline to select the page (the highest level item in the outline) to get to the page properties:

  2. In page properites, Create a case for the OnWindowResize event.

  3. In that case, set the width of the items you want to be full screen to be [[window.width]]


Thanks a lot @UXProtoTyper


Maybe this could help you understand full width background

unlisted #7

closed #8