I have a dynamic panel with 5 states. Some of the panels have hot spots to fire an interaction,
However, when I am on the main page of my prototype, you can still hover and all the hotspots on the other 4 panels are visible. And it will ruin the prototype if someone clicks on them
Is there a way to make the hotspots only visible when the proper panel is active?
I’m not sure I understand your issue… Some things don’t add up here… It will be easiest if you can upload your .rp file or some kind of example .rp file so we can see exactly how you’ve set up things and offer a solution.
Some of the states have hot spots, or some other dynamic panels also have hot spots?
In general, if a dynamic panel has a current state of “State1” then widgets in any other state, e.g., “State2” are not visible and are not active.
Are the hotspot widgets actually located inside the dynamic panel states, or just behind the dynamic panel?
…other 4 panels, or other 4 states ?
Hover where? Do you have a MOUSE ENTERED event for the hotspots and/or dynamic panel which triggers some kind of hover action?
Hotspot widgets are not visible (to the user), but like any widget they have a “visible” property–so you can Hide and Show a hotpot, or Disable and Enable a hotspot to make it inactive/active. I guess you mean that the hotspot interactions are triggered when either hovering and/or clicking, regardless of the current state of the dynamic panel?
If so, this should definitely not be happening.
I’d say either the hotspots are outside the dynamic panel or you have some other widget–even the dynamic panel itself–with events and actions that are conflicting or doing same thing as your hotspot widgets.
Or perhaps the file is corrupted, causing a bug?
Without seeing the .rp file it is hard to say.
How to do this will depend on what you mean by “proper panel is active” (a specific state of a panel? Or, if the cursor is over a specific dynamic panel or other area/widget? Or, if “active” means the dynamic panel is visible? Or selected? )
If you have a hotspot in “State1” and change the dynamic panel state to “State2” then that hotspot will not be active.
If you have a hotspot outside of the dynamic panel and only want it to be active when the dynamic panel is in State1, then use the PANEL STATE CHANGED event of that dynamic panel with conditional cases:
Sorry for the confusion so I’ll try to explain it better.
In Panel 1 attached I DO NOT have a hot spot on the ‘find nearby stores’ link. I DO have it on the second panel, but when I am viewing the first panel, the ‘find nearby stores’ link is not visible, but it is clickable.