Just wanna share how you can use sound/audio on click in Axure

  1. upload your audio file to Google drive and set link settings to public
    For example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11NdWruFqIrM8xNdh2lVNN-LAlT7Rfhpz/view?usp=sharing

  2. Cut your id out of the url (in the example the id is: 11NdWruFqIrM8xNdh2lVNN-LAlT7Rfhpz)

  3. make sure you have a playbutton in your Axure file and an inline frame (set it hidden).

  4. Use the on click event on the play button “open link in inline frame external hyperlink”

  5. Got the external hyperlink work with the following URL:

Just wanted to share this easy method!

Play/Pause the audio file (inline frame, extern hyperlink google drive file)
Share mp3 files from google drive with javascript