Marking Repeater Rows are not working for multiple filters



Dear Team

I have created a repeater table having multiple filters (starred, tagged).
Marking Repeater Rows is working only for one filter. When I am selecting one filter, the second filter item will automatically get selected.

Kindly advice.

Gmail_Demo.rp (103.5 KB)



Question: I assume that stack of icons at the left are filters. So, in the picture above, if you were to select the star filter, only the rows where the star was selected would appear. True?

Also, let’s say you also selected the tag icon in line 2, so now you have one row with the tag selected and three rows with the star selected. If you selected the tag filter at the left (by itself), you would see just that 1 row, whereas if you selected both the star and the tag filters, you would see 4 rows: 3 starred rows and 1 tag row. Correct?

Lastly, when no filter is selected, all rows appear. True?


Thanks josephxbrick,

I assume that stack of icons at the left are filters. So, in the picture above, if you were to select the star filter, only the rows where the star was selected would appear. True?

Also, let’s say you also selected the tag icon in line 2, so now you have one row with the tag selected and three rows with the star selected. If you selected the tag filter at the left (by itself), you would see just that 1 row, whereas if you selected both the star and the tag filters, you would see 4 rows: 3 starred rows and 1 tag row. Correct?

Inbox, Starred, Tagged are different menus. User can’t select two menu items together.
In the above picture, user has starred 3 mails(row1, row 3, row 4). In this case if user clicked starred menu from the left panel, the table should show only 3 items(row1, row 3, row 4).

If user click on the Inbox menu from the left panel, table will show all mails (6 rows.)

Suppose if user tagged 2 mails from the table(row 1, row 2), Then the table need to show only 2 rows(row 1, row 2). In this scenario row1 is starred and tagged. In row2 is only tagged.

_Lastly, when no filter is selected, all rows appear. True? YES