Navigating between repeater items using keys (arrows specifically)




I am an avid repeater user. However they often challenge.
This time I feel the solution is simple, but I could not make it happen.

I have a master details page, which I built with a repeater. The master items (name and some icons) are loaded on Item loaded event, and using a case when [[item.index]] is 1, I have made the first row to be selected by default on the repeater load.
I wish that the user to be able to navigate fast with down/up arrows (without a need to leave keyboard and thorough the master list and update the input fields in the details pane (which is also partially fed with repeater data).
I could not find any way to trigger rows via keys in the repeater. Currently the only way to switch row context is via mouse click event,
repeater_master details.rp (100.0 KB)

What am I missing?




This might get you started in the right direction: Grid selector using a keyboard


Nice! it looks I can use same event also on my dynamic panel! Thanks @huban !:ok_hand:

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