Nested Conditional Logic



Hello all,

I am new to this forum so I apologize if this question has been asked a hundred times. Is there some way to create nested conditional statements? If not, is there a workaround that can accomplish the same thing without doing anything too crazy?




Sadly, you can’t create nested conditional logic. The workaround is tedious, especially if you are nesting multiple levels.

Assuming you want this (in nested conditional logic land):

if a is true
[INDENT]if b is true
[INDENT]-- do whatever if both a and b are true
if c is true
– do whatever if both a and c are true[/INDENT][/INDENT]

You can do this in Axure

if a is true and b is true
[INDENT]-- do whatever if both a and b are true
else if a is true and c is true
– do whatever if a and c are true[/INDENT]

Another method is to use the move-by “function call” to handle nesting - this could reduce complexity if nesting is deep:

If a is true
[INDENT]Move Hotspot “testA” by 0,0

– script of Hotspot “testA”
On Move
if b is true
[INDENT]-- do whatever if both a and b are true
else if c is true
– do whatever if both a and c are true[/INDENT][/INDENT]


Awesome thank you! Hopefully nested conditional logic gets added soon, but your first option isn’t too inconvenient. I’m upset with myself for not thinking of using AND

closed #4

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