Page length over 20,000 pixels

I’m building a prototype at the moment and the mobile view is a VERY long page. The problem is that the work area in Axure only goes up to 20,000 pixels and I can’t see how to extend it.

Any ideas?

My first question is: Does it really have to be that long? That’s huge even if it isn’t a prototype. Is it really important that you simulate someone scrolling down something that long?

You might be able to rig-up a Facebook-like, “load-on-scroll” behavior using dynamic panels. You’d use the same amount of screen real-estate but switching to the next state looks like you’ve added to the “bottom” of the list. Setting up the trigger condition is probably going to be tricky and there’s a good chance a prototype that large will be super slow.

I’d say it definitely doesn’t need to be that long, or it shouldn’t be. The page is driven by data in a repeater. On desktop, it’s 3 columns and about 17 rows of ‘cards’. On mobile, it’s 1 column of 50 rows. For my prototype, I’ve set it to paginate at 10 rows per page. But I’m testing on UserZoom and I would have liked to have tested it with 50 rows as it helps my case if I can get user feedback complaining about having to scroll so far.

At the end of the day though, it’s not Axure’s job to police this sort of thing - if that’s their reason.

Ah. The need to demonstrate a “this is a bad idea” situation. Been there.

It’s not a bad thing. When I’m talking about UX to people I always lead with “My job is to NOT have an opinion. My job is to gather and present evidence. You can choose to act on that evidence or you can choose to ignore it”. Then I can NEVER be wrong :slight_smile: I will never say “I think we should do ‘x’”. I’ll always say “Well, I’ve tested this on users and they say…”.

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As I recall from previous topics over the years, this is a hard limit in Axure. I think it’s for performance reasons.