Preview not working for Windows 10

Clicking the preview button or using the keyboard shortcut doesn’t work.


Any ideas on how to fix this?

Hi @spange we haven’t seen this elsewhere. Can you please check Publish > Preview Options? Also please let us know what operating system and version you’re on.

Windows 10

Axure v10.0.0.3812

I swapped the options back and forth a few times.


Thanks, can you confirm that you are able to preview from RP 9 on the same computer? And that you’re seeing that the browser doesn’t open at all (rather than opens but doesn’t load)?

If preview does work from RP 9, can you please check if anything is entered in the Account > Proxy Settings menu in RP 9?

Same situation on MacOS(11.1), browser opened but not load anything, it wont happened on RP9 only on RP10

Hi @Hengkun thanks for letting us know! It sounds like that is a diferent problem, as I believe @spange was seeing the browser not open either (but I may be mistaken.) Can you please email so that the support team can take you through troubleshooting steps to try to get preview working? Thanks!

UPDATE: We’ve identified a bug in RP 10 that Preview doesn’t work for pages with non-Latin characters in the page name. We’re working on a fix for the next update. Thank you!

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Waiting for the update released ASAP.

Thanks for your reports everyone!

A fix for the preview issue with page names including non-Latin characters is now available in build 3814. You can download this build by going to Help > Check for Updates in RP 10.

The release notes for the latest beta updates are also available here: Axure RP 10 Beta Updates .

If you continue to run into issues with preview after updating to this build, please let us know.