Published prototype getting slow and crashing

I’m using Axure RP9 Pro and I’ve built a relatively complex prototype for our customer. I published the prototype to axure cloude, so our customer can review and comment it via the Axure Cloud website.
While I can use the generated prototype properly in local version, and even the Axure RP is working fine without any performance degradation, I experiences serious problems in the Axure Cloud where our customer wants to use the prototype.
The behaviour is the following: I typically use the actual Chrome version on Windows 10 to present the prototype. When I load it, it loads fine. It is not fast, but it loads. Usually the comments are loaded with a small few secs delay. However when I navigating through the prototype and changing pages, the pages loaded slower and slower. Even the combo boxes are opened slower and slower. Currently after 8-10 page changes the prototype becomes unresponsive and the Chrome crashes (you get the said face in the Chrome tab saying something went wrong and you have to close that Chrome tab).
First I suspected that it is somehow related to the growing number of comments, that we are managing through the recurring reviews. So I started to delete the older, resolved comments. (That is a kind of pitty as sometimes it is good to look back, what we discussed earlier). Unfortunately it was not the solution.
Now I have no idea how to improve the performance of the prototype, and this problem cuasing serious quality issue when you want to demo your prototypes to the customer.
In general I love Axure and using it for couple of years now in different workplaces, and this concept of hosting Axure Cloud is also great. However this must be fixed, otherwise it won’t be usable in larger professional projects.

Hard to say without seeing the .rp file, but you might check to see if you have an “event loop” somewhere. There might be an action that starts but its end condition never triggers or it’s “self triggering”.

There was an event loop actually. I tried emulating a count-down for inactivity timeout in the title bar of all screens. However yesterday I removed the event-loop but the issue still occure in Axure Cloud. After 10-20 page changes, the website kills the browser. I tested yesterday with Firefox too. Unfortunately that also produces the issue, however it is not able to handle so professionally as Chrome. The Firefox simple eats up a CPU core and hangs forever. I had to kill the process.
Re .rp file: being a prototype created for a customer, I cannot share it here in a forum, and I don’t know which part to share (to avoid sharing the whole). Is there kind of support team who can investigate it in a “discrete approach”?

Totally get the “not mine, can’t share” thing…

What you’re describing sounds like a “memory leak”. Unfortunately, I’m not a developer and have no first-hand experience with them. I know that Chrome’s dev tools has ways to track memory usage but I’ve never used them myself.

Other than just trial-and-error disabling events one-at-a-time to isolate the issue, I got nuth’n… :confused: