Summary: Our client is seeing strange radio button behavior that we’re unable to re-create on our end in Chrome, Safari, or Firefox on Mac. The client is likely using Chrome for Windows.
The problem: We’re getting ready to test a prototype that utilizes Axure’s radio button widgets. In one case the client is unable to see the radio button selected (the click seems to be activating a green validation outline that we’ve added but not the radio button selected). When I click the same thing I cannot ever get it to activate the green outline without the radio button being selected. I’ve attached a screenshot of the client’s view vs. our view in attachment Case 1.png:
In another case the client is not seeing the outer circles at all for two instances of Yes/No radio button selections and in one instance is seeing a broken image where the radio button selector should be. See attachment Case 2.png (ignore the grey boxes, those were placed manually to share this example publicly):
My advice is to get as much info as possible about your client’s system(s) and send an email to , attaching your source .rp file. They should be in the best position to test various setups and offer help. They are usually very responsive and helpful.
In general, how is the client accessing your prototype? Are you hosting on Axure Cloud or another server? Zipping the HTML and they run locally? Something else?
Are you testing in the same way and manner? Same hardware and browser? Are browsers up to date with latest versions? Best if “Yes” to all 3, but this shouldn’t be happening regardless.
Has your prototype ever worked correctly for the client? It could be that browser caching is causing this… You could ask them to clear their browser cache and/or use Ctrl+Reload to load without cache.
If caching isn’t the issue, perhaps the HTML files are corrupt. This could happen if there have been previous versions and you’ve changed things–especially adding/removing/renaming pages. If you are hosting this on a server, you could try deleting the entire prototype directory (the HTML folder) on the server, delete your local HTML folder, publish the HTML again, upload again. If you are sharing via ZIP file, do the same thing–delete your prototype’s HTML folder and repubilsh it. Ask your client to delete the ZIP file, and everything unzipped from it. Send them a fresh ZIP file, then try unzipping and running again.