Reach with an Element in a Inline Frame a overlapping dynamic panel


Hi folks,

I have a page with miscellaneous process elements. A Inline Frame (IF) links on this page, while you can see the page in the Inline Frame. If I click on one of the elements which shows within the IF, I want to open a dynamic panel (DP) which overlaps the Inline Frame (other page).

If I try to build a OnClick function for the elements to open the DP on the pagewith the IF, I cannot find the DP (for example in “Set Panel State” or “Show/Hide”). The only way which I found was to load a copied page in a new window, to simulate the DP, which overlaps the IF.

Do you have any trick to arrive the dynamic panel on a other side?

Thanks for help!

Greetz from Germany

Target Parent Window from iFrame

Your circumstances are a bit unclear, so let me see if I got this:

You have two Axure prototype pages. One page has an iframe and a dynamic panel (let’s say “Page 1”). The iframe on Page one displays another page with clickable elements (we’ll call it “Page 2”).

While on Page 1, you want to click “through” the iframe on an element in Page2 that opens a dynamic panel on Page 1. Is that it?

Pretty much the only way to have actions on one page affect another is by using global variables. Even then you’d have to fire the onLoad event on Page 1 for the change to carry over.


Hey huban!

Thank you for your answer!

Your description is correct. I will try to find a solution with global variables. If I don’t find the solution, I will decribe my problem with a example as upload agian in this topic.

Thank you again!



Hey huban!

Thanks! It works!

For the other guys: I created a global variable and give them the value 0. If I click on a element I give the global variable the value 1. With f.e. OnMouseMove I proof the value of the global variable and if the value is 1, the dynamic panel will be shown.


Close button inside a frame