Recent files wierdness in Welcome screen


I’ve been having a bizarre issue the last few days with my welcome screen. My recent files list is full of strange characters and none of my actual recent files. I think it’s started after I upgraded to

clicking the link gives a file not found error.

any ideas for a fix?


Hi bamorris,

We’ve seen this happen when the user’s files were saved to a network drive and that network drive had special configurations. Does that sound similar to your setup? And if so, could you reach out to your IT team or the server admin(s) to see if they could check for any settings on the server to see what the cause may be?

As a test for this, could you also try creating a new file and then saving it to a local path on your computer, e.g. your Desktop, to see if the issue occurs for that file too?


I’ll check with my IT admin. Any particular settings they might have to look for? I’m not sure how I’d describe “special configurations” to them.


Hi bamorris,

It would differ for each company/system environment, but any special configurations other than the default vanilla configuration on the server. One of our users had luck with the foreign characters when their IT team restarted the network drive, so that may also be worth exploring.

unlisted #5