Repeater Won't Push Dp's


I have a repeater that expands/collapses. I have a dynamic panel below it. When the repeater expands I want it to push down the dynamic panel below it, but it’s not happening.

Is this just not possible for some reason?



Push/Pull is an option for the Show/Hide event, but not for OnResize, or repeater events --unless you show and hide the whole repeater.

Take a look at this thread: Push/Pull Widgets Info and Example
And this help page: ACCORDION CONTROL

You can put your repeater into a dynamic panel (dp) and move the dp below it (or anything else) with an OnResize event.

Here is an example: RepeaterPushPull.rp (398.6 KB)

Try clicking the “SHOW LEVEL 2” and “SHOW LEVEL 1” buttons back and forth to see the effect.

I took a demo repeater I made recently, added some stuff below it, then right-clicked on the repeater and chose Convert to Dynamic Panel. I named it “Panel Nav” and kept the default dp setting of Fit to Content so the dp will resize as the repeater resizes. Then I added this interaction code to the dynamic panel:

Because there are more widgets below Panel 2, I decided to make Panel 2 take care of them with an OnMove event. ( I could have also added more Move events to the Panel Nav dp.) Here is the code on Panel 2: