I have a file wherein there is a tree node with certain nodes and an icon. Now I have enabled a condition wherein only when I click on certain folder nodes and then click the icon a pop-up opens.
I have disabled that icon for other nodes. Now the issue is that when I turn on highlighting in preview everything gets highlighted i.e. even the disabled nodes since the condition is applied on those nodes.
Is there a way I can turn on highlighting only for the icon and concerned folders (enabled).
I was thinking of using condition builder on the icon that if node is say ‘xyz’ only then on click of icon the pop-up should open else for other folder nodes it should not. I believe since I am applying this on the icon only so
When I turn on highlighting only the icon and the two folders should be highlighted and not the other nodes (which is exactly what I am looking for).
Let me know how I can resolve this issue.
My folders are Capital Account Balance under Gulf Stream Capital and Fund Documents (Shared) on which I have this condition applied. Please attached my file.