Resolving Highlighting Issue

I have a file wherein there is a tree node with certain nodes and an icon. Now I have enabled a condition wherein only when I click on certain folder nodes and then click the icon a pop-up opens.
I have disabled that icon for other nodes. Now the issue is that when I turn on highlighting in preview everything gets highlighted i.e. even the disabled nodes since the condition is applied on those nodes.
Is there a way I can turn on highlighting only for the icon and concerned folders (enabled).

I was thinking of using condition builder on the icon that if node is say ‘xyz’ only then on click of icon the pop-up should open else for other folder nodes it should not. I believe since I am applying this on the icon only so
When I turn on highlighting only the icon and the two folders should be highlighted and not the other nodes (which is exactly what I am looking for).

Let me know how I can resolve this issue.

My folders are Capital Account Balance under Gulf Stream Capital and Fund Documents (Shared) on which I have this condition applied. Please attached my file.

Hi guys,

For those following along at home, rahulzlpr reached out to our help desk for assistance with this query. The highlight tool that’s available in the prototype sidebar in the browser will highlight any widgets that have interactions on them; this being the case, in order to remove the highlight, the interactions on the widgets would have to be removed as well.

Hopefully that helps anyone with similar questions about the sidebar highlight tool!