Selected and compared in repeater



Can you help with one problem?
I need to click on “Extension”, so:

Selected row (Checkbox1) and State is not ddd:
show group Test1.

Selected row (Checkbox1) and State is ddd:
view group Test2.

Thank you

Test.rp (691.4 KB)


I added this logic to “onMove” of checkbox1 inside of the repeater:


Then, on click of the “Extension” text, added an event to move checkbox1 by 0,0:

This works as when you fire an event on an object inside a repeater from outside of the repeater, it gets fired on each row. So when you click extension, it will evaluate that logic for each row.

Test.rp (693.8 KB)

Note: I wasn’t sure what’s supposed to happen if more than one is selected… if you check a row that is not ddd and a row that is ddd, both will show up.


Hi UXProtoTyper,
I copied this test on my prototype, all is ok.

But If I check a row that is nod ddd and row that is ddd, so only test1 show.

Thank you



Please excuse me if I misunderstood, but this version will show test 2 if ONLY state DDD is selected.

I added logic on move to only show test 2 if test 1 is not visible. I also put l logic on show of test 1 to hide test 2 if it’s visible.

Test.rp (695.2 KB)


Thank you, super

I have the ending question. That situation will be the same, if I do not check the row and click on Extension so you will not see Test 1 and Test 2. The same I would like when i click Delete. (if do not check the row, so will not see Test1 and Test2)

Thank you



I think you just need a “Hide” event then when you click delete:


Test.rp (695.2 KB)