Selected states and buttons



So I tried figuring this out digging through the forums, but I still couldn’t quite figure it out.

So what I want to do is that when you get to the TV services slide, the next button is disabled until the user makes at least one selection. I also wanted to have that if a certain combination of selections are made, it would go to a different slide. I also was trying to figure out how to have the go back button in the top stay and not be part of the panel state but the user is able to go between screens. I have attached my file. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Decision_tool_RD1.rp (265.0 KB)


I’d use a hidden counter that controls whether the button is enabled or not. Selecting a service increments the number on the counter and fire’s the counter’s OnMove event. Set the counter to check’s its number whenever it’s moved; if the number is higher than one, enable the button else disable it. Vary the logic on the same concept to accomplish the branching path.

The “Go back” is easy. Just move it outside the dynamic panel and have it show/hide based on the panel’s state change.

Decision_tool_RD1.rp (275.0 KB)