Show/Hide using Push/Pull and Object Disappears


I have created a collapsing and expanding full menu using show/hide and push/pull. However, when I use groups for a series of objects, an interaction to show after hide fails to display one of the group elements.

See attached file:
ExpandCollapse.rp (74.5 KB)

The “L” list uses groups for show/hide of member objects and on Expand All (after Collapse All), the 3rd item from group L.1.1 fails to display. List “B” does work for all elements if groups is not used.



This is a known bug. Showing/Hiding groups doesn’t work consistently when using push/pull widgets, especially when there are multiple groups to deal with. See this thread for more info (although I still don’t entirely understand the explanation)

You can keep the groups if you need and just show/hide each of the elements individually instead of the groups in your “Collapse All / Expand All” widget. If you are hiding/showing just one group at a time (like clicking on L1.1) then it should work fine. Or, you can replace your groups with dynamic panels (ungroup then convert to dynamic panel.) Or, you can implement your accordion with a repeater. Search “repeater accordion” on the forum for ways to do this.


Thank you for the response. I like the behavior of seeing all the elements on the page during design time so I’ll just adjust stick with implementing the interaction on each element. Any idea if this bug will be addressed in Axure 9 coming out soon? Speaking of which, any update on the target date for the 9 release? Thanks!


Hi tklp,

I just wanted to jump in and say that while we don’t yet have a target date for the release of Axure RP 9, we are aiming to release a public beta during this summer. You’ll be able to find some more details about version 9 and its features here:

I also wanted to mention that you’re seeing may not be a bug but actually expected behavior. As Anthony discusses in his forum post, if one widget within a group is in the push/pull path of an interaction but the rest of the group’s widgets aren’t, that one widget will be pushed/pulled away from the rest of the group. In either case, the approaches of targeting each element individually or grouping them all within a dynamic panel that mbc66 described would be the best way to work around this aspect of push/pull interactions.

Hopefully this helps to clarify some things!

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