Spacebar triggers a highlight after setting focus and selecting text


Had a question with focus on a text input widget. I essentially want it to select the text in the input box when you click on (e.g. focus) on the widget and all works well.

The problem is that when I start to type text to replace the highlighted text and then hit the space bar, it highlights the text that I just typed and overwrites it with the text I continue using after the space (e.g. if I type “Hello there”, the “Hello” is highlighted and replaced with “there” after I hit spacebar. Seems like a bug? Why can’t it support multiple words?


Hi -
Don’t know exactly how/why it’s working like that … but as a workaround, you could add a “if key pressed does not equal Space” condition
see below…


Workaround worked.


Hi all,

Thanks for posting about this and sharing the workaround. The reported behavior also sounds buggy to me, and I’ve submitted a report so our QA team can take a closer look. I’ve also moved this conversation to its own thread for now as I think it could be good on its own. Thanks for the heads up!



Was this issue resolved? I’m having a similar issue, where the space bar (whilst entering text in to a text field) is being registered as an onclick of the submit button.


Hi Michael.Hall1,

It doesn’t look like this issue has been resolved yet, but I’ve updated the bug report we have on file to let our QA team know that other users are running into the issue. For now, I’m hoping the workaround posted by thatguymc helps!

unlisted #7