Struggle with Cases and Conditions

Hi Everyone !

I am trying to build an upload frame message but it’s driving me crazy.
It meant to work nearly as it is now… the circle spins and after 3500ms the “sucessful upload” pops out.
The problem is both of these cases should be under “On Click” but I am not sure how to make it working properly.
Now after 3500ms “successful upload” is coming up even if you won’t click it as it’s “OnLoad”
Can anyone help me please ?

BUTTON.rp (213.6 KB)

If you don’t want these actions on the OnLoad event then don’t put them on the OnLoad event.

Since none of your cases have any conditions, you don’t even need two cases here. Just drag the actions from the case on the OnLoad event into the case on the OnClick event.

You can also select the actions you want to move and copy/paste them onto the case on the OnClick event. Just remember to delete the case on the OnLoad event after you copy them all.

But the problem is that I want fire the first case after clicking the button, the animation takes 3500ms and after that I want to trigger second case when the first one is finished… so after 3500ms, but if I’ll select “wait” 3500ms “OnClick” both or the cases are triggered after 3500ms. Not sure if you will understand what i mean.

Basically I want to be able to click the button so the circle start spinning and once it’s finished i want another image to pop up over that.

I am pretty sure it’s something to do with conditions, but I haven’t got a clue how they work :slight_smile: hah

You don’t have any conditions so you can put them all on one case and separate the actions with Waits.

Start animation
Wait 3500ms
Do stuff after animation

Actions in a case are executed sequentially, including waits. Actions after a Wait won’t start until the wait is completed.

If you must have two separate cases (you need conditions for something else) then it might look like this:

If true
Do 3500ms animation

If some condition
Wait 3500ms
Do after animation stuff