Style in Grayscale


Hi there,
The previous editions of axure used to have some sketch effects that included a grayscale style for the page we were working on.
I can’t find it anymore on this new Beta release. Can somebody help me with this feature? Had it been removed from the software?
Thanks a lot for your attention,
Daniel Malva


Hi Daniel,

This feature has been removed as of the RP 9 beta. We’re interested in feedback from users who were using the sketchy settings to hear what was most useful for them. Were you just using the greyscale toggle, or did you also use applied font and/or wavy lines?



I used only the greyscale toggle. In fact the other sketch features weren’t that useful for me. On the other hand, we usually the deliver our prototypes in my company in greyscale tones and saturated color images, thats why it was so important for us.

I’ll really miss this feature. Any chances it would come back later?
Thanks for your attention, Daniel.


Thanks, this is helpful! We don’t have specific plans currently, but are taking in the feedback and haven’t made any final decisions at this time. If it helps, you can set greyscale now on individual images by using the color adjustment features to drop saturation to 0. It sounds like you were appreciating this change for font colors as well?


I was also looking for this feature. I use the whole grayscale, not the sketchy. It helps with presenting to stakeholders so items don’t distract from the flow.


Hi @Rachel! I was wondering if there’s been any update to including at least grayscale on a page/project level in Axure 9 (not just images)? My team would love to make the switch, but can’t until this is included so was hoping for some updated info. Thanks!


Hi @Rachel … just wanted to follow up on grayscale on a page & project level in Axure 9. Any updates on that?

As with the other users in other threads, we use that to help facilitate some communication with stakeholders.


Hi everyone!

Thanks for all the feedback thus far on the greyscale/Sketch Effects features. These haven’t made a return in Axure RP 9 thus far. Per our new forum policy we’re redirecting all feedback and feature requests via email to, so this thread will be closed. Our team is aware of the interest in having grayscale toggles brought back in Axure RP 9, and your requests here have been filed with the product team. If you have additional feedback or requests to submit on this or any other features please go ahead and email those to us to ensure that they’re all processed accordingly. Thank you!

closed #9