Suggestions for UI behavior


I have a couple quick suggestions that I think would be helpful.

Selecting colors

  • When selecting colors, highlight the current one if it’s available in the palette.
  • In addition, change the hex/color as I hover over other colors in the palette.
  • For example, I have a few grayscale shades that I work with when wiring things up. Sometimes it’s not obvious that the color currently set is different from the one I think I should select.

Selecting interaction targets

  • When changing a target, start me at the one that’s currently selected.
  • For example, I may have selected the wrong one or I may have copied and pasted an interaction. Instead of starting me from scratch to either scroll to the target or do a search for it, I’ll be able to quickly select a target next to the one already selected…


I agree with pixeler. Selecting colors could be easier with these quite simple changes.

I often have a bunch of similar shades (usually, but not always grays). Starting widget color selection by highlighting the currently used one and showing hex codes when hovering over any color would save a lot of needless microinteraction time for all of us.

closed #3


Thanks for the feedback guys! Per forum policy we’re closing this thread and directing further feedback to via email. The feedback submitted so far has been filed with product for review. Thanks!