Swipe left to show more options (Mark as Read, Delete, Archieve)




How can I achieve:

Swipe left to show more options (Mark as Read, Delete, Archieve)?
I also need to show this published prototype in iphone 6 screen for testing. However for some reason it doesn’t fit the screen.

Can someone provide me instructions, links or better yet .rp with explanation perhaps?

Thanks in advance!


Hi Matt,
Try this URL’s for iphone 6 screen settings.
Prototype not scaling to iPhone 6
The New iPhone 6 (times x2)



on swipe left: if the position of the covering element is 0 move the covering widget to -x
on swipe right: if the position of the covering element is -x move the covering widget to 0

or the other way round if you want to reveal something from the left.

and you can of course do something additional. on drag move this with drag (of course limited to the boundaries) and on drag drop check if it is more opened or more closed and complete the transition to the calculated direction… this will make it a little different. the content them has to be a own dynamic panel and the events have to be assigned to this panel.
moreOptions.rp (71 KB)


Thanks for all the help guys! Much appreciated.
Gregor, additional thanks for the .rp file.

iOS Swipe to Delete

…as always Gregor is spot on. You can also check out this thread: The ULTIMATE ios8 animation on axure.


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