Text Field HTML Input Types (Textfield Type, Date Picker, Number/Password Field, File Selector)



Answered my own question. Made a panel with 3 states (empty, password with the ability to show, and text with the ability to hide).
password_show_hide.rp (57.9 KB)


Hi Nick, the link leads to an error page. Am desperately looking for a solution to a custom button for the file upload functionality…


Hi there,

I have an issue with this topic. I use a Text Field type Date. As a default I want to put the current date on click (from another page) there. I tried few ways, but it always shows just “dd.mm.yyyy”. I’ve done something similar to a Tex Field type Time, with the current time, and it works perfectly.

Is there a way to put the current date into a text field type date?


The form fields (including the text field) behave according to the browser in which they’re viewed. It looks like most browsers display the date type text field with some sort of date picker that fills in the date, but from a quick test on my end it looks like they won’t let other widgets set text on the text field. On a Windows 10 machine I’m seeing that Firefox doesn’t display date text fields with a date picker and lets you set the text on the text field, but if you want the prototype to properly set the text in any browser then you may want to set the text field to a “text” type.


nice tutorial , thank you very much.


Hi everybody
I’m new in Axure and I have a question about text field with File type. how cloud I use a file picker to choose a picture and then push it to a picture placeholder ?

Thank you

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