The batch spacing feature doesn't work well

For me personally, the batch spacing feature is rarely used, 99% of the time by mistake. In the past, when I wanted to move multiple objects, I would just batch select them and left click and drag. And now my operation is usually:

  1. Select multiple objects
  2. Left click and drag a distance
  3. Realize that I accidentally clicked on the batch spacing hotspot
  4. ctrl+Z to undo the operation
  5. Mouse back over those objects again and move them around the edges carefully avoiding the red bulk spacing hot zone.

If I’m not in the minority like this, I’d like to be provided with a switch to turn this feature off.

PS: Why don’t I personally use this feature? Because this feature doesn’t intelligently recognize higher level holistic objects made up of multiple objects, it still relies on grouping. Since I’ve grouped them separately, I just drag the most marginal objects farther away and use the automatic horizontal/vertical distribution feature.

(DeepL translate)


4)ctrl+Z 撤销操作

