Treat master as a light box sample and any other options?


I was having difficulty to show contents of a master as lightbox. Finally had a solution. See the attached sample.

When i clicked the button i showed the container as a lightbox
And in the master i used container’s onshow event to show other components and bring to front
And onhide event hide the other components

I wonder is there any other way to achieve this?

Treat-Master-As-Lightbox.rp (53.6 KB)



Another way to do this is to place the master in a dynamic panel (right-click it and choose Convert to Dynamic Panel), show all items in the master, and hide this new panel. Then show the panel, treating it as a lightbox.


Just add the widgets in your master to a group or dynamic panel, then you can just hide/show a single widget.


Ah! Ya beat me to it!

unlisted #5

closed #6