Trouble viewing team project


I am working on a team project and my partner has created a new file. I entered the project id under the ‘Get Team Project’ function and it says it was successfully retrieved. Upon opening the file, I can see the folders that were created by my partner but nothing happens when I double click on them. All I see are blank pages. I tried getting all changes from the team directory when my partner checked in his work but there is still no change.


Try creating a test project on your side with a few objects dropped on a page and sharing it with your partner to see if it’s the project or an Axure issue.


Hi all,

Clbaker94 wrote into the help desk about this, and the main issue was that they were grabbing the wrong team project. The main source of confusion was that their team member’s local copy of the team project was named similar to a different team project in the Axure Share workspace, which was the team project the OP was grabbing. We can see how this can be confusing, but the main thing to match is the project ID, rather than the project name. As mentioned, you can name your local .rpprj copy of the team project to anything you want (since it’s your own local copy), and RP will just match the team project with its ID.

Hope this helps!

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