Accidental Deletes

I have a page in my team project that I’ve selected (but not checked-out) and accidentally deleted by pressing the delete key.

I realized it was “missing” from my tree, and was able to see that the delete was an “unsync’d” operation in my Manage Team Project view.

How do I get this file back?

I had worked around my problem by having another team member duplicate the page and check it in w a different name, then rename it after it was back on my machine, but this seems crazy.

I tried:

  • Get all changes
  • Undo all checkouts
  • Close w/out saving and reopen
  • Have team member check-out, edit, check-in the file, then get the changes.

I stopped short of blowing away the team project, fortunately. Feels like I’m missing something.

If it was unsynced, you should be able to just close Axure without saving (maybe export to a separate .rp file first if you have made changes to other pages.) Restart Axure and then Get All Changes.

If that doesn’t work, get the Project History and restore an earlier version (then import whatever changes were made by you and others.)

If that doesn’t work, send an email to Axure Support and attach your .rppr file. They typically respond quickly and can figure out what’s going on.