Accordion - collapsing opened element on opening another

Hi, I use Accordion from Sample UI Patterns. There are default interactions there which are good. But I want to change one thing there, i.e. to make sure that when one part of the accordion is opened, another part automatically closes.

For example, if I have three elements, I click on the first one, the first one expans. Then I click on the second one and the second one expans. In that way I have two elements expanded. I want different behavior, I want the first one to automatically collapse on the opening of the second one.

Can you share any advices, please, on how to best achieve it? Thank you!

You will need to add additional interaction to close other on click/tap. This can become lengthy to do as you have more and more items.
However, the example below is only applicable to the text widget and not applicable to the arrow/triangle. I would recommend disabling the triangle icon by editing the tree properties. You can always add an icon/triangle through characters/text.

You can also use the “classic menu vertical” and edit the style.

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