Axure 9 - Styling and Repeater Issues



Issue 1:
Why do two rectangles with the same style applied have some options disabled in the style panel?

Issue 2:
When a widget is set to auto-width or auto-height, the auto-fit icon doesn’t display the selected state. This creates confusion when the widget height is close to or equal to the text height so user doesnt know whether the widget is set to auto-height.

Issue 3:
In a repeater, I have two rectangles set to auto height, so when the data is loaded to the repeater the rectangles auto-fits to accommodate the text. Only one rectangle autofits and look as expected on both canvas and browser but autofit doesn’t work for one of the rectangles. I have added BG color to see the difference.
P.S. I am aware from other threads that this is the expected behavior in Axure, but the question is about the differences we see here…

Issue 4:
Now, go into the repeater and make a copy of rectangle 1 or place a new rectangle widget and apply the same style as other 2 rectangles. Preview it in the browser, and rectangle 1 & 2 look the same. Now, delete rectangle 3 and then preview it in the browser to see the odd behavior. Rectangle 1 loses its auto-height and looks like Rectangle 2.

widget&repeater_issue.rp (66.2 KB)



Regarding issue 1, how did you create the rectangle that doesn’t have border and corner visibility options available? Did you draw it as a custom shape using the pen tool? I’m seeing on our end that boxes and text widgets have those properties accessible, but shapes drawn with the pen tool don’t. More insight into how that shape was created would help to identify why those properties are not useable for that widget.

For issue 2, the behavior of the icons in the 9 beta appears to be the same as it was in version 8, though it was different in Axure RP 7 (they were checkboxes instead and toggled the selection). I’ll pass this along internally so that we can take another look.

For issue 3, rectangle 2 in the pictured repeater wasn’t set as auto-fit height in the attached file; changing it to be so fixed it.

Issue 4 looks like a bug to me; I wouldn’t expect deleting a duplicate widget to change the rendering of the original widget. I’ve filed this internally on our end with the QA team for further investigation on why this is happening. If there are updates to the bug then we’ll post here. In the meantime, the 9 beta release notes page can be used to stay in the loop on what fixes have been released.


Appreciate your response, Alyssa.

For Issue 1, Thanks for the clarification. It was imported from sketch so I guess it is considered as a shape in Axure. If I see closely, the icon looks a bit different for one of the rectangles even though the size matches with the other two rectangles.

Feature Request: I have spent a lot of time trying to understand the problem because there is no way I could find the difference between a shape which looks like a rectangle and a rectangle widget if both are of the same size. May be you could add a text in the style panel or make the icon look a bit different in the outline panel.

For Issue 2, This is a usability problem. Users wouldn’t know if a widget is set to auto height/width if there is no indication. A simple visual cue like adding a selected state to the icon would solve that problem.

For Issue 3, I reviewed my file again. Yes, setting Rectangle2 to auto-height gets reflected only in the canvas but not the browser. Is it because it is a shape and not a rectangle widget like Rectangle 1?


Aha, thanks for that information! That helps to see how that widget came to be and why it behaves differently from the boxes. Regarding that widget, it looks like you’re correct about the Shape widget being the reason that the second repeater doesn’t autofit to height as expected in the browser; that Shape widget is rendering in the browser as an SVG image rather than a rectangle, so its behavior would differ from that of a regular rectangle widget.

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