Axure performance

Dear Axure team,

I really, really love RP10. We use it day by day and, in my opinion, it is the most professional prototyping-tool out there.

But there is one thing: we need a much better performance! Especially in context of advanced industry-GUIs where u need one screen, which is super functional, it is still not powerfull enough. It should be possible to use hundreds of dynamic panels with hundreds of states.

Please, please, please work on that issue. If u can make RP11 much faster, it will be unstoppable.


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Hello @max_wv, thanks for writing in, and thank you for your kind words! If you’re experiencing some slowdowns with Axure, would you mind emailing us at your file along with the names of the pages where you see this issue so we can take a look at it and pass it on to our QA team for further testing? This would tremendously help us with improving Axure’s performance!